Me On Pintrest

About Me

July 30th 2013

So I've decided to make a whole page with a couple paragraphs just about me! CrazyGirl!

Hello, as you all know my pseudonym is CrazyGirl, and honestly sometime in the future I should change it to something like, 'Fashionista' or something of that nature.

Anyways, I'm a girl, as the name 'CrazyGirl' implies. I hope to become a Mass Market Designer sometime in my future, or possibly a Fashion Journalist. I'm not a decision maker, I like leeway, can I be both? Or maybe I can just be everything in the world. But it doesn't work that way, you can only choose one career.

I mean I guess you could have three different  jobs, but three at the most, right? Okay I guess we tell our children that they can be whatever they want and I don't want to be a debbie downer but they can't be everything! They can choose whatever they want, yes, but be more than a couple things, no!

Alright backing away from that....

I love art! I think it's a beautiful thing and it should be cherished for all eternity. I mean the Mona-Lisa. It's beautiful and is now located in the Musse de Luvure. Thousands of people see it everday! Art is a part of my existence if I didn't have it I would wither away into a pile of dust. Art is part of me, art is a piece of my soul. (I'll share my favorite paintings in a later post.)

Another thing I love, music. What a wonderful thing! When I'm in a car and there is no music playing, I will either ask if they will turn it on or I will turn the radio by myself. It's just a necessity to by being. I sing all the time: day, night, morning, noon. You name it! I love all different types of music and I believe that they all deserve respect. I think that most people can agree with me on that. (I'll share my favorite songs, and musicians in a later post.)

I started this blog because I wanted to have a place where I can share my thoughts on fashion and have an audience to share it with. I think it's amazing to have an outlet. I like the thought of being able to have people read my work. It makes me happy.

I think that's enough outlet for today. Can't wait to see all of you tomorrow!


July 31st 2013

Fashion sketch, oversized hat. Discover products you love at getrockerbox.comSo, I've been looking at fashion sketches recently on Pinterest, they're really pretty, and honestly, I wish I could draw like that! I mean they're beautiful! Look at this on that was pinned by Rockerbox. It's beautiful! I love it so much.

The hat is awesome, can you imagine wearing that to a fashion shoot, and then instead of having the eye on the runway, they were on your hat. Ha! That would be hilarious...I feel bad for the designer that was presenting his/her collection. Oops... you never meant to do that.

Yes you did! Don't lie to me, I have a lie detector injected into my brain.

You know I'm kidding, right? I don't even think that's possible. Is it? You know what, I don't want to know! So don't make me think about it!


  1. Hey i just created a blog called Kids so please go check it out CRAZYGIRL!!!!!!
