Today is the first day I'm going through my very cluttered, enormous, (and scary if I might add) wardrobe. I may be the 'Fashion Guru' but have you seen how I treat my clothes?! It makes me sick just thinking about it. So let me give you my checklist, outline, thing. See, I don't even know what to call it!
I. Tackle the ClosetA. Remove all the clothes.
B. Sort Through It
1. Try Things On
2. Use Piles: I used 6
a. Keep
b. ?
c. Consider
d. NO!
e.Too Small
f. Strange Fit
(NOTE: Take out all hangers and sort through those too: Your nice ones, the normal plastic ones, and ((I forget what they're called)) the ones that are for pants and have clips. Yeah, those!)
II. Carpe Drawers!
A. Take Things Out As You Go
1. Not all at one time like the closet.
B. Try Clothes On
C. Use The Same Piles As Before
"Oh man! This is a lot to do!" You're probably groaning, too. Well yes it is, and in a second I'm going to give you more things to do for closet! And tomorrow you'll- well I don't want to give anything away. ;)III. Sort Through The Piles
I mean I'm sure you could guess. I mean you probably just got rid of half of your clothes, because as I'm about to tell you, you need to be RUTHLESS!!!!! For lack of a better word. Now let's continue with this outline:
A. For Keep: hang things up and fold them, put them in drawers
B. For NO!: Trash them or give them to charity
C. Too Small: Pass them down to your younger sibling or charity
D. Strange Fit: Can it be fixed? If not, charity/trash it goes
E. Consider & ?: Look at each item, list the pros and cons of each. Do you really hate them? Keep
or put in storage? Charity or trash? Choose wisely.
There, Day One is finished. Happy cleaning! See you here tomorrow! Bravo, at coming this far!
Way to make way for new clothes! ;D